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Cousin Lovin

My girls love our home. They love that they live in rubber boots and hunt frogs and turtles on a daily basis. They love their swings and bonfire nights with neighbors. They love walking down around the corner to see the horses, goats, donkeys, ducks and whatever the heck else is around. They love throwing rocks in the pond and watching the “pterodactyl” skulk around the shoreline. What my kids don’t love is that all of their cousins are far far away.  Like every single one. I grew up in a town with a lot of cousins. There was seriously almost 30 of us.  I always imagined my kiddos would have the same experience.  My childhood was pretty awesome. Full of kids everywhere. So, this dead end dirt road country livin was not at all what I pictured for raising my family.  And when family comes to town….it’s a BIG DEAL!  We love our home, but it feels so much more like a home when family comes to stay.  I can’t even describe the anticipation and excitement the kids feel when their cousins come to visit. They adore them. And miss them.  Summer is just about here and that means road trips and family time for us! I took these pictures a couple of weeks ago when my family came to town.  So much cousin lovin and good memories made.

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  • Jessie - These awesome photos! The girls are so cute!!!ReplyCancel